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Roundup #8

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

ASP.NET Core 2.2 Roadmap

We are currently planning to have 3 previews before RTM:

  • August – Preview 1
  • September – Preview 2
  • October – Preview 3
  • Before End-of-year – RTM

As with our previous roadmap posts this is what we intend right now, but it’s subject to change as we continue development.



Windows Command-Line: The Evolution of the Windows Command-Line

Welcome to the second post in this “Windows Command-Line” series. In this post we’ll discuss some of the background & history behind the Windows Command-Line. Specifically, we’ll explore its humble origins in MS-DOS, to its modern-day incarnation supporting tools like PowerShell and Windows Subsystem for Linux.



Analyzing .NET Core project dependencies: Finding transitive dependencies

In the previous blog post, I looked at how we can use the .NET Core CLI to generate a dependency graph which allows you to determine the package references for a .NET Core or .NET Standard project. This is the same technique I used when developing dotnet-outdated.

Once dotnet-outdated started gaining a bit of traction, one of the issues opened on the GitHub repository was a request to support detecting outdated transitive dependencies.



The Web That Never Was – Dylan Beattie

The story of the web is a story about freedom. It’s a story about information, about breaking down barriers, about creating new ways for people to communicate, to collaborate, and to share their ideas. It’s also a story that has as much do with marketing, money and meetings as it does with research and innovation. It’s a story of mediocre ideas that succeeded where brilliant ideas failed, a story of compromises, rushed deadlines and last-minute decisions. And it could so easily have been very, very different.

What if IBM had hired Digital Research instead of Microsoft to develop the operating system for their first PC, way back in 1980? What if Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark had gone to work for Nintendo in 1993 and never founded Netscape? What if one of the team at CERN had said “Tim, won’t it sound a bit silly if everyone spends the next fifty years saying double-you-double-you-double-you all the time”?

In this talk, Dylan Beattie will explore alternative history of the world wide web – a web with no Microsoft, no Windows; no Firefox, no Google and no JavaScript. A software industry from another timeline, a world of platforms, protocols and programming languages that are unmistakably alien – and yet strangely familiar.



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