Here are the things that caught my eye last week. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.
AspNet Core Nested Applications
Given any application of a reasonable size, to reason about it and manage complexity one generally applies modular programming along clear and well defined boundaries. Recently I was seeking to do this with AspNet Core where I wanted to compose several independent applications, potentially developed by separate teams, within the one host.
I’ve been wanting to do something similar in AspNetCore so this is right up my alley with great timing. This is a great method for having independent apps but running under one host.
If you are familiar with MediatR, Redux, or the Command Pattern you will feel right at home. All of the behaviors are written as plug-ins/middle-ware and attached to the MediatR pipeline. You can pick and choose which behaviors you would like to use or even write your own.
Pretty interesting idea and like to see where this goes along with Blazer in the future.
Just used <DebugType>embedded</DebugType> in MSBuild and this embeds the .pdb files directly inside the .dlls. They're also much smaller in size. Magical!
— Kirill Osenkov 🇺🇦 (@KirillOsenkov) June 14, 2018
This was really cool and I had no idea about this. You can also set this from Visual Studio in the Project Properties, Build, Advanced window.
Controllers as action filters in ASP.NET Core MVC
It is common to leverage action filters when building MVC applications – this was the case in classic ASP.NET MVC, in ASP.NET Web API and is a still widely used technique (with much richer support!) in ASP.NET Core MVC.
What is not commonly known though, is that it’s possible for controllers to act as their own filters – so let’s have a look at this feature today.
Really love this idea of adding the filters to the controller itself since they are generally coupled anyways.