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Here are the things that caught my eye recently in .NET. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.
Announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9
Today, we’re announcing .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9. Just like with Preview 8, we’ve focused on polishing .NET Core 3.0 for a final release and aren’t adding new features. If these final builds seem less exciting than earlier previews, that’s by design.
Download .NET Core 3.0 Preview 9 right now on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-core-3-0-preview-9/
New and improved NuGet Search is here!
It’s been a long time coming, and today we are excited to announce the new and improved search on NuGet.org leveraging Azure Search. We want to start this post with a huge thanks to you, the NuGet community, for providing feedback. We have aggregated all feedback around search result relevance into one mega issue. We used this as the starting point and ensured the most egregious cases were fixed before we launched the side-by-side preview experience a few weeks ago. 70% of you voted that the new search is better! This was one of the key results in deciding to move forward leading up to today’s release.
Link: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/nuget/new-and-improved-nuget-search/
Prefer ValueTask to Task, always; and don’t await twice
A little while ago I blogged here and I set it up to be a “continues…” style post. I haven’t had the energy to continue it in that context, and this fact was putting me off concluding the post. I then realised: the thing that matters isn’t some overarching narrative structure, but that I get my ideas down. So: I’m aborting any attempt at making this post a continuation, and just focusing on the content!
Link: https://blog.marcgravell.com/2019/08/prefer-valuetask-to-task-always-and.html
Maximising .NET Core API performance
You may or may not have heard of this statistic from Google:
53% of mobile site visits leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load
With that in mind, it’s important to make our site as responsive and quick as possible.
We recently rewrote one of our APIs from scratch, Saved Items, to better pave the way for new functionality and improve the performance by utilising new technologies such as .NET Core 2.
Link: https://medium.com/asos-techblog/maximising-net-core-api-performance-11ad883436c