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Roundup #5: .NET Core 2.1, ReSharper Perf Series, Rider 2018.1.1, EF Core Evaluation

Here are the things that caught my eye last week.  Obviously the big one is the release of .NET Core 2.1.  JetBrains are always up to good stuff with Rider 218.1.1 being released last Friday and a really cool series on ReSharper.

I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

Announcing .NET Core 2.1

We’re excited to announce the release of .NET Core 2.1. It includes improvements to performance, to the runtime and tools. It also includes a new way to deploy tools as NuGet packages. We’ve added a new primitive type called Span<T> that operates on data without allocations. There are many other new APIs, focused on cryptography, compression, and Windows compatibility. It is the first release to support Alpine Linux and ARM32 chips. You can start updating existing projects to target .NET Core 2.1 today. The release is compatible with .NET Core 2.0, making updating easy.

This also includes the release of ASP.NET Core 2.1 and Entity Framework Core 2.1.



ReSharper performance series

We use ReSharper to develop ReSharper. It may not always be visible, but we are working hard on improving ReSharper performance. And because those changes aren’t always visible, we are starting a blog series about the minor and major changes that are in the works.

Really cool series of posts so far by Maarten Balliauw and being pretty open about how ReSharper and Visual Studio work as well as how they are implementing perf improvements.



Rider 2018.1.1 is released

A polished version of Rider 2018.1 is ready. Just click download to get the latest Rider 2018.1.1 bug-fix update working on your machine.

Support for .NET Core 2.1 Project Templates and a pile of bug fixes.



EF Core: Client vs. Server Evaluation

Entity Framework Core supports parts of the query being evaluated on the client and parts of it being pushed to the database. It is up to the database provider to determine which parts of the query will be evaluated in the database.

I thought this was really interesting.  By default it will produce warnings when client side evaluation occurs, but you may want configure to completely disable.



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