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Data Consistency Between Microservices

In a system where many users are collaborating concurrently, it can be difficult to manage data consistency between microservices. Do you need consistency? Maybe, maybe not. It’s a discussion to have with the business about the impact of inconsistent data. If it is important to have consistency, then one solution to this problem is by not having it in the first place. When data is required from another service for business logic, then it’s possibly a sign that you have some misaligned boundaries. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this… Read More »Data Consistency Between Microservices

My TOP Patterns for Event Driven Architecture

Here are my top 5 patterns and concepts (Outbox, Idempotent Consumers, Event Choreography, Orchestration, Retry/Dead Letter) for Event Driven Architecture that you’ll likely implement. Why? Well if you’re new to Event Driven Architecture there are many different problems that you’ll encounter. Most of the issues have well-established patterns or concepts you can leverage to deal with them. Here are the most common patterns for Event Driven Architecture that you’ll likely use. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Outbox Pattern Generally, you’re… Read More »My TOP Patterns for Event Driven Architecture

ALWAYS Valid Domain Model

Always having your Domain Model in a valid state means it will be predictable. You’ll write less defensive code or conditional code because your domain objects will always be in a valid state. Using aggregates is a great way to encapsulate the state with behavior to keep the state valid. Using factories to create your aggregates is key to having a valid state from the very beginning. Here’s how you can create an always valid domain model. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in… Read More »ALWAYS Valid Domain Model