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Event-Driven Architecture Issues & Challenges

Event-Driven architecture has a lot of benefits but comes at the cost of another set of problems. Some of the Event-Driven Architecture Issues are visibility in workflows and business processes, consistency, idempotency, and consumer lag. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Visibility While there are undeniable benefits, the trade-offs often lead to increased complexity. One of the primary Event-Driven Architecture issues faced is visibility, especially when using messaging for workflows. Let’s consider a scenario where a client places an order. This action sends a… Read More »Event-Driven Architecture Issues & Challenges

Design Patterns for Building Resilient Systems

When the CrowdStrike incident happened, I was alarmed and notified of a degrading performance in parts of our system. That’s because we were indirectly impacted. I will provide some thoughts about how specific design patterns allow you to build resilient systems, allowing you to keep your system alive and online. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Fallbacks I mentioned indirectly, and that’s because I’m not a CrowdStrike customer, so I wasn’t directly affected. However, I was indirectly impacted because I leveraged third-party services that… Read More »Design Patterns for Building Resilient Systems

Vertical Slice Architecture isn’t technical

Migrate to a Vertical Slice Architecture from a monolith? Is it more like microservices? Does it replace Clean Architecture? None of the above. It’s about being driven by cohesion of business capabilities and business processes. It has nothing to do with layers or physical deployment concerns. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel, where I post all kinds of content accompanying my posts, including this video showing everything in this post. Vertical Slice Architecture Vertical Slice Architecture has everything to do with business capabilities and nothing to do with a monolith, microservices, clean architecture, or hexagonal imports and adapters. It’s all about defining… Read More »Vertical Slice Architecture isn’t technical