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Want to see an example of how CQRS & Event Sourcing work together? Here’s a code walk-through that illustrates sending commands to your domain that stores Events in an Event Store. The Events are then published to Consumers that updated Projections (read models) that are then consumed by Queries. This is the stereotypical set of patterns used when using CQRS and Event Sourcing together.
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CQRS & Event Sourcing
Because CQRS and Event Sourcing are so often talked about or illustrated together, you’ll end up seeing a diagram like the one below.

This is the stereotypical diagram to illustrate both concepts together. Unfortunately there often isn’t a distinction between what portion is CQRS and what portion is Event Sourcing. And as you’ll see later in this post, there’s another concept involved as well in this diagram as well.
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) is simply the separation of Writes (Commands) and Reads (Queries). In the diagram above, that’s illustrated by the horizontal paths on the top and bottom. I’ve talked about the simplicity of CQRS and the 3 Most Common Misconceptions.
Event Sourcing
Event Sourcing is about how you record state. It’s a different approach to persistence since most applications are built to only record the current state. Event sourcing is about using a series of events (facts) that represent all the state transitions that get you to the current state. If you want more of the basics, check out my post Event Sourcing Example & Explained in plain English.
Simplest Possible Thing
I’m going to use Greg Young’s Simplest Possible Thing sample that illustrates both CQRS, Event Sourcing, and Projections. This sample is rather old so I’ve upgraded it to .NET 6 and Razor pages.
The sample app is just showing an Inventory Item and has various commands that mutate state, queries that return current state, and event sourcing is used as a way to persist state.
Commands & Events
Commands are handled by Command Handlers. In this example, they are simply using a repository to get out the InventoryItem which is a domain object, and then invoke the proper method on the InventoryItem. The Repository.Save() will persist all the events (generated though ApplyChange() on the InventoryItem you will see below) to an in-memory event stream (collection).
The Inventory Item domain objects contain all the behavior for doing any state transitions.
The AggregateRoot base class contains the ApplyChange method, which stores the event being applied. It also calls the appropriate Apply() method on the InventoryItem. You will notice there are Apply() methods for only some of the events. This is because our InventoryItem only cares about maintaining its internal state (projection) that is required to perform logic.
What all this code is illustrating is the Command side of CQRS as well as Event Sourcing. Commands are explicit actions that we handle to perform some type of state change. For state changes, we’re using explicit events to capture what actually occurred from the result of a command.

Before I illustrate the Query side of CQRS, first we’re going to build a Projection that acts as a read model representing the current state of the Events.
When events are saved by the Repository, it then dispatches the events to consumers. In this example, it is done in-memory however if you were using an actual Event Store, you’d likely be using a subscription model to have your projections run in isolation asynchronously.
Consumers handle the events to update the read model (projection). In this example, there are two different consumers for updating two different projections. One projection is for showing a list of Inventory Items, the other is for showing an individual Inventory Item.
This is just using a FakeDatabase that is really just an in-memory collection & dictionary.

Now that we have projections (read models) we can look at how the Query side of CQRS uses the projections.
The razor page is using the ReadModelFacade (and underlying FakeDatabase) that has the projection for our InventoryItem details.

CQRS & Event Sourcing
Hopefully, this illustrated the differences between CQRS, Event Sourcing, and how they are used together while also using Projections. While this diagram is often used to describe CQRS, realize there are multiple aspects that are at play and not just CQRS.
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