Roundup #34: Channels, ring buffers and logs | The Creeping IT Apocalypse | dotnet-format | Right Tool for the Job | Fixing Random | Microsoft Graph
Here are the things that caught my eye this week in .NET. I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week. Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Channels, ring buffers and logs If you’re developing applications in .NET, you probably heard about all the new shiny part of the framework, like Pipelines which enable you to process IO-related processing with more IO awareness, still leaving your code on quite high level. Another part of the framework that is mentioned recently are channels that are used to pass data between parties. In this post I discuss… Read More »Roundup #34: Channels, ring buffers and logs | The Creeping IT Apocalypse | dotnet-format | Right Tool for the Job | Fixing Random | Microsoft Graph