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Real-Time Web by leveraging Event Driven Architecture

Event Driven Architecture isn’t just for communicating between services or systems. It’s a characteristic of your architecture. You can develop a monolith and still use event driven architecture. Here’s an example of how using events can drive real-time web and make your clients more interactive. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Simple Event Processing The basics of Event Driven Architecture are Events, Producers, and Consumers. To start with a Producer will create an Event. An event is simply a message that… Read More »Real-Time Web by leveraging Event Driven Architecture

Highly COHESIVE Software Design to tame Complexity

What is cohesion and why should you care? Highly cohesive software design can reduce complexity and coupling. But what is cohesion? It’s the degree to which the elements inside a module belong together. How you group operations together can have a widely different outcome on Cohesion. Informational Cohesion is grouped by operations on data. Functional Cohesion is grouped by operations of a task. It’s directly related to the Single Responsibility Principle, which you might also have a different definition of. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything… Read More »Highly COHESIVE Software Design to tame Complexity

Event Based Architecture: What do you mean by EVENT?

The term “Event” is really overloaded. There are many different utilities that leverage events. Event Sourcing, Event Carried State Transfer, and Event Notifications. None of these are for the same purpose. When talking about an Event Based architecture, realize which one you’re using and for what purpose. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Overloaded With the popularity of Microservices, Event Driven Architecture, Event Sourcing, and tooling, the term “Events” has become pretty overloaded and I find has been causing some confusion.… Read More »Event Based Architecture: What do you mean by EVENT?