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Derek Comartin

ALWAYS Valid Domain Model

Always having your Domain Model in a valid state means it will be predictable. You’ll write less defensive code or conditional code because your domain objects will always be in a valid state. Using aggregates is a great way to encapsulate the state with behavior to keep the state valid. Using factories to create your aggregates is key to having a valid state from the very beginning. Here’s how you can create an always valid domain model. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in… Read More »ALWAYS Valid Domain Model

Separating Concerns with Pipes & Filters

How do you separate concerns when processing a request? Typical concerns such as Logging, Validation, Exception Handling, Retries, and many more. One way is to build a request pipeline for separating concerns by using the Pipes and Filters pattern. You can also build a pipeline using the Russian Doll model that allows you to short circuit at any point throughout the pipeline. YouTube Check out my YouTube channel where I post all kinds of content that accompanies my posts including this video showing everything that is in this post. Pipes & Filters Often time when processing a request you need to handle… Read More »Separating Concerns with Pipes & Filters

Processing Large Payloads with the Claim Check Pattern

How do you handle processing large payloads? Maybe a user has uploaded a large image that needs to be resized to various sizes. Or perhaps you need to perform some ETL on a text file and interact with your database. One way is with a Message broker to prevent any blocking from calling code. Combined with the Claim Check Pattern to keep message sizes small to not exceed any message limits or cause performance issues with your message broker. The pattern is to send the payload data to an external service or blob storage, then use a reference ID/pointer the… Read More »Processing Large Payloads with the Claim Check Pattern