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Derek Comartin

Event Sourced Orleans Grain

I always thought a Event Sourced Orleans Grain would fit a really well as a stateful Aggregate Root.  Take it a step further and have your Grain be event sourced and also encapsulate a projection of current state.  This post is going to setup the basics of how to Raise events and apply them in our Grain state.  I will be covering persisting the events in the next post. Blog Post Series: Part 1 – Practical Orleans Part 2 – Grains and Silos Part 3 – Smart Cache Pattern Part 4 – Event Sourced Grain Part 5 – EventStore for… Read More »Event Sourced Orleans Grain

Orleans Smart Cache Pattern

I discovered the Orleans Smart Cache Pattern by listening to a talk by John Azariah and Sergey Bykov.  The idea is that you can use Orleans as a distributed cache in front of (permanent) storage.  This is really ideal if you have a read heavy system, which most are.  You could optionally also choose to buffer your writes when you make state changes.  Ultimately you will reduce load on your storage by accessing data/state from memory. Blog Post Series: Part 1 – Practical Orleans Part 2 – Grains and Silos Part 3 – Smart Cache Pattern Part 4 – Event Sourced… Read More »Orleans Smart Cache Pattern

Creating a custom ASP.NET Core Output Formatter

If you follow my blog, you may also know that I’ve blogged a bit about Hypermedia.  Because I’m a fan, I’ve decided to start creating an custom ASP.NET Core Output Formatter to handle the Siren hypermedia specification (application/vnd.siren+json). All the code samples in this blog post are pulled from a sample application of the game Hangman.   I’m creating it in ASP.NET Core.  I will eventually pull out the Output Formatter and create a repo on GitHub and a Nuget. Output Formatter Since I’m handling Text, I’m going to be deriving from the TextOutputFormatter.  This requires you to implement two methods:… Read More »Creating a custom ASP.NET Core Output Formatter