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Derek Comartin

Roundup #12: TypeScript 3, EFCore.InMemoryHelpers, HTTP Caching, Standards.REST

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. TypeScript 3.0 Which brings us to TypeScript 3.0! Despite the new big number, 3.0 has few breaking changes (meaning it should be veryeasy to upgrade) and introduces a new flexible and scalable way to structure your projects, powerful new support for operating on parameter lists, new types to enforce explicit checks, better JSX support, an overall better error UX, and much more! Link:   EFCore.InMemoryHelpers Provides a wrapper around the EF Core… Read More »Roundup #12: TypeScript 3, EFCore.InMemoryHelpers, HTTP Caching, Standards.REST

eShopOnContainers a Microservice based .NET Core Sample Application

Finding good sample applications if pretty difficult, if not impossible.  Most are small Todo style applications that are generally very CRUD based.  Thankfully Microsoft has created the eShopOnContainers a Microservice based .NET Core Sample Application. .NET Core reference application, powered by Microsoft, based on a simplified microservices architecture and Docker containers. This reference application is cross-platform at the server and client side, thanks to .NET Core services capable of running on Linux or Windows containers depending on your Docker host, and to Xamarin for mobile apps running on Android, iOS or Windows/UWP plus any browser for the client web apps. The… Read More »eShopOnContainers a Microservice based .NET Core Sample Application

Roundup #11: Solution-wide NuGet packages, REST vs. GraphQL, The Power of Roslyn, Blazor 0.5.0

Here are the things that caught my eye this week.  I’d love to hear what you found most interesting this week.  Let me know in the comments or on Twitter. Solution-wide Nuget package version handling with MsBuild 15+ In order to centrally manage package versions, you can now leverage the Directory.Build.targets feature. Without going into too much detail (the linked document explains it well), Directory.Build.targets can be used to provide customizations to project files located under a certain directory (within a directory tree). I remember seeing this from David Kean several months back on Twitter.  This is incredibly useful for keeping versions of packages consistent across… Read More »Roundup #11: Solution-wide NuGet packages, REST vs. GraphQL, The Power of Roslyn, Blazor 0.5.0